Bulk Discount

Bulk Discount


This guide explains how to apply bulk discounts to a list of selected invoices. This function helps the administration and accounting team efficiently apply the same discount to multiple invoices without the need to edit each invoice individually.

Step 1: Filtering Invoices

Apply Filters to Select Invoices:
On the left side of the screen, you'll see a list of filters.

Set the Date Range:
Specify the start and end dates for the invoices you want to include.

Choose the Type of Invoices:
Select whether the invoices are regular or recurring.

Apply Filters:
Click on the "Apply Filters" button to display the invoices that match your criteria.

Step 2: Selecting Invoices

Choose Invoices to Apply Discounts:
On the right side of the screen, you will see the filtered list of invoices.

Select Invoices:
Check the box next to each invoice you wish to include in the bulk discount.
You can select multiple invoices as needed.

Step 3: Applying the Discount

Select the Discount:
From the list of available discounts, choose the one you want to apply to the selected invoices.
Apply the Discount:
Click on the "Apply" button to proceed.

Step 4: Confirming the Discount

Confirm the Discount Application:
A confirmation box will appear, asking you to verify the discount application.

Confirm Action:
Click "Yes" to confirm and apply the discount to the selected invoices.

Step 5. Video Tutorial

Watch the Video: For a visual guide on how use the Bulk Discounts please watch the following video

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