Bulk Invoices

Bulk Invoices


This guide will help you create bulk invoices for all parents in your institution or a selected group. You can generate different types of invoices, including Monthly Fees, Tuition Fees, or Other Regular Invoices.

Step 1: Select Invoice Type

Click on the Bulk Invoices module

Select the type of invoice you want to generate:

Step 2: Monthly Fee Invoices

  • It's important to note that in order for the Monthly Fee Invoices to be generated correctly, you need to ensure that the Accounting Settings /Item is configured properly before.

  • It must be ensured that the items required for that invoice have the Monthly Fee switch active.

  • The Select Families window displays all registered families.
  • Check or uncheck families to include or exclude them from billing.

  • Click Continue to proceed to the invoice conditions setup.
  • Configure the following details:

  • After creating the bulk invoices, you can view the generated invoices in the "Recurring Invoices" section.

Step 3: Tuition Fee Invoices

  • Like for the monthly fee invoice registration, we must have previously created the Item in the Setting Accounting section and toggled the tuition fee on

  • The Select Families window displays all registered families.
  • Check or uncheck families to include or exclude them from billing
Set up the invoice terms:

  • After creating the Tuition Fee Invoices, you can view the created invoices in the "Invoices" section

Step 4: Other Regular Invoices

  • Choose the specific grade for which the invoice is being generated.

  • The Select Families window displays all registered families.
  • Check or uncheck families to include or exclude them from billing
Set up the invoice terms:

After creating Other Regular Invoices, you can view the created invoices in the "Invoices" section

Step 5. Video Tutorial

Watch the Video: For a visual guide on how to create Bulk Invoices , please watch the following video

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