

This guide will help students consult activities created by their teachers for their classes, such as educational tours, movies, tests, and other activities.

Step 1: Accessing the Diary Function

  1. Open the Diary Tab: Navigate to the Diary function on the platform.

Step 2: Viewing Scheduled Activities

  1. Activity Window: The initial window will display a list of activities that have been scheduled by your teachers for your classes.
  2. Browse Activities: Scroll through the list to see all the activities that have been planned 

Step 3: Viewing Activity Details

  1. Click on the Activity: Click on the activity you are interested in to see more information.
  2. Details Box: In the Details box, you can see comprehensive information about the scheduled activity, such as:
    1. Description: A detailed description of the activity.
    2. Date and Time: When the activity is scheduled to take place.
    3. Location: Where the activity will take place, if applicable.
    4. Additional Instructions: Any extra information or instructions provided by the teacher.

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