Exam calendar

Exam calendar


The exam calendar feature allows teachers to visualize and create assessments for the classes they teach. This functionality provides a convenient way to manage and schedule exams, making it easier for both teachers and students to keep track of upcoming assessments.

Step 1: Select Grade and Group

Start by selecting the grade and group you're interested in. The system will then display the calendar showing existing assessments for that group. Any assessments you create will be visible to parents, students, the school director, and other teachers of the selected group.

Step 2: View and Create Assignments

To create a new assessment, click on a date in the calendar. Fill in the details such as the assessment's name, type, subject, and due date in the form that appears. Once done, click "Save" to add it to the calendar for the selected group. This new assessment will now be visible on the calendar for everyone involved

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