Exams Calendar

Exams Calendar

This guide will help parents view the exam schedule programmed by the institution for their children.

Step 1: Accessing the Exams Calendar Function

  1. Open the Exams Calendar Tab: Navigate to the Exams Calendar function on the platform.

Step 2: Selecting the Semester

  1. Select Semester: Choose the semester you want to view from the dropdown or selection menu.

Step 3: Viewing the List of Classes

  1. Class List: Once the semester is selected, a list of classes will be displayed.
  2. Select Class: Click on the class you want to view the exam schedule for.

Step 4: Choosing the Calendar View

  1. View Options: Choose how you want to view the exam schedule:
    1. By Month: Displays the entire month's schedule.
    2. By Week: Shows the schedule for the selected week.
    3. By Day: Focuses on the exams scheduled for a specific day

Step 5: Interacting with the Calendar

  1. Navigate the Calendar: Use the navigation arrows or date selector to move between different months, weeks, or days.
  2. Click on Exam Entries: Click on specific exam entries in the calendar to view more details, such as:
    1. Exam Date and Time: Exact date and time of the exam.
    2. Subject: The subject or course for which the exam is scheduled.
    3. Additional Details: Any additional instructions or information provided by the institution.

By following these steps, parents can effectively use the Exams Calendar function to keep track of their children's exam schedules, ensuring they are aware of important dates and can help their children prepare accordingly.

Tutorial Video

For a visual guide on how to use the Virtual Classroom, please watch the following video.

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