How to Create Homeworks

How to Create Homeworks

Create Homeworks 

Homework can be created using the LMS (Learning Management System) feature. Here the teacher can assign homeworks, tasks, activities, and study materials to their students.

Step 1. Select the Semester Information

  1. Locate the Top Bar: At the top of the window, find the top bar.
  2. Choose the Semester: Select the desired semester information from the dropdown menu. By default, the system sets it to the current semester for the academic year.

Step 2. Customize Class Icons

  1. Identify Class Cards: Each card on the screen represents a class you are teaching.
  2. Select Icon Button: At the top right of each class card, find the three buttons.
  3. Choose an Icon: Click on the button corresponding to the icon you want to use for each class.

Step 3: Enter the Assignments Section

  1. Click on a Class Card: Select the class card for the class you want to manage.
  2. View Assignments: You will be taken to the assignments page for that class.

Step 4: Create a New Assignment

  1. Click "New" Button: On the assignments page, click the "New" button to start creating a new assignment.
  2. Enter Assignment Details: Fill in the required information:
    1. Filters: Apply any necessary filters.
    2. Title: Provide a title for the assignment.
    3. Effective Dates: Set the start and end dates for the assignment.
    4. Description: Add details about the assignment in the description box, including images or videos if necessary.
    5. Attachments: attach documents as needed.
    6. Add Value Toggle: It may allow the teacher to specify the value of the assignment in terms of points or percentage of the overall grade. The value will be automatically updated on the Gradebook.
    7. Requieres Students to Upload Work Toggle: This toggle determines whether students must upload their completed assignments back into the system for review.
      1. When Enabled:
        1. Mandatory Submission: Students will be required to submit their work digitally through the platform. This could include files such as documents, images, presentations, or any other format specified by the teacher.
        2. Submission Deadline: The system might enforce deadlines, ensuring that students cannot mark the assignment as completed without uploading the required work by the due date.
        3. Feedback Loop: Teachers can provide feedback, grades, or comments directly on the uploaded work.
        4. Tracking: The platform can track which students have submitted their work and which have not, allowing teachers to easily follow up with students who missed the deadline.

      2. When Disabled:
        1. No Upload Required: Students might complete the work offline or in another format without needing to submit it through the platform.
        2. Self-Marking Completion: Students can mark the assignment as done without uploading any files, which might be useful for activities like reading assignments or in-class tasks.

Step 5: Publish the Assignment

  1. Click "Publish" Button: Once all the information is entered, click the green "Publish" button to finalize the creation of the assignment.

Step 6: Manage Assignment Options

  1. Edit Assignment: After publishing, use the "Edit" button to make changes to the assignment.
  2. View Assignment: Use the "View" button to see the assignment details.
  3. Student Evaluations: Click the blue "Student Evaluations" button to view submitted responses if the option for student submissions is enabled.
  4. Delete Assignment: Use the "Delete" button to remove the assignment if necessary.

Step 7: Review and Evaluate Submissions

  1. Click "Student Assesments": View the list of received submissions by clicking the blue "Student Assestmens" button.
  2. Select "View Assesments": Review each student's submitted work by clicking the "View Assestmens" button.

Step 8: Use the PDF Viewer

  1. View Submitted Work: In the PDF viewer, you can see the student's submission.
  2. Download Submission: If needed, download the submitted work.
  3. Respond to Comments: View and respond to the student's comment in the box on the left side of the viewer.

Step 9: Assign Grades (If Enabled)

  1. Enter Grades: If grading is enabled, buttons to enter grades will appear.
  2. Record Grades: Enter the grades, which will be immediately recorded in the Gradebook for that class.

Step 10: Handle Student Submission Errors

  1. Use "Delete Files" Button: If a student needs to remove an incorrect file, they can use the "Delete Files" button.
  2. Submit Correct File: Allow the student to submit the correct file after removing the incorrect one.

By following these steps, teachers can efficiently manage their classes and assignments within the LMS, ensuring smooth and effective communication and evaluation processes with their students.

Tutorial Video

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