How to Link a New Student to Classes When the Term Has Already Started?

How to Link a New Student to Classes When the Term Has Already Started?

When a new student joins after the school year has started, follow these steps to link them to classes:

Step 1: Select the Student and Grade

  • Use the On-Demand Schedule function.
  • In the first filter, select the grade and group for the new student.
  • Mark the student by clicking on their name.

Step 2: Assign Classes

  • Go to the Course Catalog to choose the classes for the student.
  • Use the search box to find and select the relevant classes.
  • Click the Add Classes button.

Step 3: Review and Save

  • Check the student's schedule to ensure all classes are correctly assigned.
  • Click Save Classes to finalize the assignment.

  • Ensure that classes are linked for both semesters, even if the student joined mid-year.
  • This verification guarantees that grades recorded by teachers are displayed correctly.

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