How To Take Attendance

How To Take Attendance

Recording Student Attendance

This guide will help teachers dynamically record student attendance using the attendance recording tab.

Step 1: Set Up Attendance Filters

  1. Locate the Filters Table: In the first table, select the necessary filters to address the specific group for attendance recording:
    1. Grade: Choose the appropriate grade level.
    2. Group: Select the group within the grade.
    3. Period: Choose the period during which attendance is being taken.
    4. Class: Select the class for which you want to record attendance.

Step 2: Select Students

  1. View Student List: In the second table, all students linked to the selected class will be listed.
  2. Select All Students: Use the "Select all students" box to mark all students as present by default.
  3. Deselect Individual Students: Click on any student’s name to remove them from the selection if they are not present.

Step 3: Confirm Date and Attendance Type

  1. Locate Date and Attendance Type Filters: In the third table, confirm the date and select the appropriate attendance type:
    1. Date: Verify that the correct date is selected.
    2. Attendance Type: Choose the attendance condition from the available options (e.g., Present, Late without excuse, Absent without excuse).

Step 4: Add Attendance

  1. Click "Add Attendance": After confirming the date and selecting the attendance type, click the "Add Attendance" button to record the information.

Step 5: Record Different Attendance Conditions

  1. Select Specific Students: Identify students who have a different attendance condition (e.g., Late without excuse or Absent without excuse).
  2. Repeat the Process: Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for these students by selecting them and choosing the appropriate attendance type.

Step 6: Automatic Notifications

  1. Email Notifications: If a student is recorded as "Late without excuse" or "Absent without excuse," the system will automatically send an email notification to the parent indicating the attendance condition.

By following these steps, teachers can efficiently record student attendance and ensure that parents are promptly informed about their child's attendance status when necessary.

Tutorial Video

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