


Step 1. Overview of the Invoicing Functionality

  • Dashboard Information: The dashboard displays a graph showing the amounts of paid, pending, partially paid, and refunded invoices. This information updates every time payments are entered into the system.
  • Invoice Management: From this screen, you can view invoices already entered into the system and create a new invoice.

Step 2. Creating a New Family Invoice

  • Entering Family Details: At the beginning of the invoice, enter all details of the family to be billed. Set the payment term, after which the system automatically fills in the due date, status, currency, date, addresses, and you must specify the accounting account where it will be registered.

Step 3. Completing the Invoice Form

  • Adding Invoice Items: In the second part of the form, provide the required information: student name, item to be billed, applicable taxes, and click the blue "Add" button to display it on the next line. You can add multiple items to the same invoice as needed.
  • Applying Discounts: You can apply a discount to the invoice and add it by clicking "Add". You can also create a template to use for other invoices you create.

Step 4. Finalizing the Invoice

  • Returning to the Main Page: Once the new invoice is created, the system returns you to the main page, where you proceed with the invoice payment.
  • Invoice Details: In the header, you can see all details of the invoice, including name, dates, balance, and status. When the invoice status is "Pending", click the blue "Actions" button to see all options available for the invoice, such as editing, viewing details, and more.

Step 5. Viewing Invoice Details

  • Invoice Preview: Clicking this option opens a window showing the invoice with the institution’s details (logo, phone number, address). From here, you can download the invoice to email it to the family or print it for filing if necessary.

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