

The Invoices feature in the College One Parental Portal allows parents to check their account statements and view the invoices issued in their name. This guide provides a detailed step-by-step process for using the Invoices feature.

Step 1: Accessing the Invoices

  1. Open Invoices: Navigate to the "Invoices" section from the dashboard.

Step 2:  Viewing Account Statement

  1. Account Statement Overview: At the top of the Invoices page, there is an information graphic displaying the account statement.
  2. This graphic shows:
    1. Amounts of Paid Invoices: Total amount of invoices that have been paid.
    2. Pending Payment: Total amount of invoices that are yet to be paid.
    3. Partially Paid: Total amount of invoices that have been partially paid.
    4. Reimbursed: Total amount of invoices that have been reimbursed.

Step 3: Viewing the List of Invoices

  1. List of Issued Invoices: Below the account statement graphic, there is a list of all the invoices issued in your name.
  2. Each invoice entry includes:
    1. Invoice Amount: The amount billed on the invoice.
    2. Status: The current status of the invoice (paid, pending, partially paid, or reimbursed).

Step 4:  Invoice Actions

  1. Viewing Details:
    1. Actions Button: Next to each invoice, there is an "Actions" button.
    2. Details Option: Click on "Details" to view the invoice in regular format.
    3. Download or Print: In the details window, you have the option to download or print the invoice.

Step 5:  Making a Payment

  1. Initiating Payment:
    1. Make Payment Button: Next to the invoice you wish to pay, click on the "Make Payment" button.
    2. Redirect to Payments: This will redirect you to the Payments section where you can complete the payment process (steps for making a payment are explained in the Payments section).
    3. Immediate Payment: Alternatively, click on the green hand icon to make an immediate payment.

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