Late Fee Waiver Manager

Late Fee Waiver Manager

Late Fee Waiver Manager

The Late Fee Waiver Manager serves as a robust tool designed to empower administrators in effortlessly removing late payment charges from invoices in bulk. Utilizing this feature efficiently can significantly streamline the process. Below are detailed steps to guide you through maximizing the benefits of this function:

Step 1: Select the Date Period

Start by choosing the date range for the invoices you want to process. This range will filter the invoices to only those generated within the specified dates. After selecting the date range, click on the Submit button to generate a list of invoices with late fees within the chosen period.

Step 2: Review and Select Invoices

The system will display a list of all invoices with a late fee, regardless of their status (e.g., paid, unpaid, or overdue). To select invoices, click on the small checkbox at the beginning of each invoice row. If you want to waive late fees on all listed invoices, use the Select All button to automatically check all the boxes.

Step 3: Submit Waiver

Ensure that all the invoices you want to process are selected. Once you have made your selections, click on the Submit Waiver button. This action will immediately remove the late fees from the selected invoices.

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