Teacher's LMS

Teacher's LMS


This function has been designed to allow the school director to consult the works assigned by teachers for each of their groups.

Step 1: Apply Filters

On the left side of the screen, you will see several filters that help you narrow down your search:

  • Grade: Select the grade level you wish to consult.
  • Group: Choose the specific group within the selected grade.
  • Teacher: Select the teacher whose assignments you want to review.
  • Class: Choose the specific class for which you want to see the assignments.

After setting the desired filters, click on the Apply button to perform the search.

Step 2: View the List of Works

Once the filters are applied, the window on the right side of the screen will display a list of works assigned by the teacher. This list shows all the assignments for the selected grade, group, teacher, and class.

Step 3: Check Assignment Details

To see more detailed information about a specific assignment, click on the Details button next to the assignment. This will open a window or a new page displaying comprehensive details about the selected work, including descriptions, due dates, and any additional resources or instructions provided by the teacher.

By following these steps, the school director can effectively consult and review the assignments placed by teachers, ensuring they stay informed about the educational activities within their institution.

Step 4. Video Tutorial

Watch the Video: For a visual guide on how to use the theacher's LMS , please watch the following video

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