Notifications and Welcome Email

Notifications and Welcome Email


The notification section serves as an editor for text messages and emails within the application. Its primary purpose is to allow users to send important messages to either the entire student community or specific groups.

Step 1: Accessing the Notification Section

Step 2: View Existing Notifications

Once you've accessed the notification section, you'll see a list of sent notifications. These may include messages, alerts, updates, or announcements relevant to the student community. Each notification should display relevant information such as the sender, subject, and timestamp.

Step 3: Create a New Notification

Locate the Add Button: In the notifications section, look for the "New" button. This button is typically located at the upper right corner of the screen.
Click the Add Button: Click on the "New" button to begin creating a new notification.

Step 4: Select Notification Type

Choose the Type of Notification: You will be prompted to select the type of notification you want to send. The options are:
SMS: For text messages.
Email: For email notifications.
Push Notification: For push notifications sent to users devices.

Step 5: Compose the Notification

Fill in the Notification Details:

Date: Select the date when the notification should be sent.
Subject: Enter the subject line for the notification.
Content: Write the main content of the notification. Be clear and concise to ensure the message is easily understood.
Attach a File (if necessary): If you need to include an attachment, click the "Attach File" button and select the file from your computer.

Send the Notification: Once you are satisfied with the notification, click the green "Send" button to dispatch it to the selected recipients.

Step 6: Welcome Email

This function enables you to send a pre-configured Welcome message with a few modifications. In this message, we explain the usage of CollegeOne to parents, students, teachers, and staff of the institution, and provide them with their access credentials to the platform. Select the recipients you wish to send the information to and click "OK" to proceed with sending.

Step 7. Video Tutorial

Watch the Video: For a visual guide on how use the Notifications and Welcome Email please watch the following video

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