Online Exam

Online Exam

This guide will help students navigate the Online Exam function, from starting an exam to viewing the results.

Step 1: Accessing the Online Exam

  1. Open the Online Exam Tab: Navigate to the Online Exam function on the platform.
  2. View Pending Exams: You will see a list of pending exams that you need to take.

Step 2: Starting the Exam

  1. Click "Start Exam" Button: Select the exam you want to take and click the "Start Exam" button.
  2. View Exam Description: A description of the exam will be displayed.
  3. Add the "Access Code": Enter the access code provided by the teacher if necessary. 
  4. Click "Start": To begin the exam, click the "Start" button.

Step 3: Taking the Exam

  1. Answer Questions: The questions will be displayed one by one. They may be in text-writing, single-selection, multiple choice, match, true or false, fill the blank answer format.
  2. Click "Next": After answering each question, click "Next" to move to the next question.

Step 4: Pausing the Exam

  1. Click "Stop": If you need to pause the exam, click the "Stop" button.
  2. Confirmation Box: A confirmation box will appear asking if you want to leave the online exam or continue. Choose the appropriate option.

Step 5: Resuming the Exam

Resume Exam: When you are ready to continue, resume the exam from where you left off

Step 6: Completing the Exam

  1. See Summary: After answering all the questions, click on "See summary" to review your answers.
  2. Click "Finish": To finalize the exam, click the "Finish" button.
  3. Confirmation Box: A confirmation box will appear asking if you want to end the test or continue and correct an answer. Choose the appropriate option.

Step 7: Finalizing the Exam

  1. Confirm Completion: After clicking "Finish," you will receive a confirmation box that your exam has been completed.
  2. View Results: The platform will display your completed exam with your answers:
    1. Correct answers will be marked in green.
    2. Incorrect answers will be marked in red.
    3. Note: Text responses will automatically be marked in red until the teacher reviews them.

By following these steps, students can effectively take their online exams, pause and resume as needed, and view their results upon completion.

Tutorial Video

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