Online Exam

Online Exam


The online exam feature allows teachers to create, manage, and evaluate exams for their students through a streamlined, digital interface. Teachers can configure exam details, add a variety of question types, and incorporate multimedia elements to enhance clarity and engagement. The system automatically calculates final scores and records them in the GradeBook, providing immediate feedback.

Step 1: Create a New Exam

In the upper right corner, click the blue button labeled "New" to start creating a new exam.

Step 2: Enter Exam Details

Fill in the filters to select which students will receive the exam.

In the upper right section, add configuration details such as duration and instructions. In the central description box, write a brief description of the exam, including images or videos if needed.

Step 3: Add Questions

Click the "+Add Question" button to add as many questions as needed. For each question, select the type of response. Use the formula keyboard if necessary for symbols or numerical formulas, and insert images to guide students. Review the total points accumulated from the questions at the bottom of the section.

Step 4: Manage Exams

For each exam, use the Actions button to duplicate the exam, change the end date, view exam details, show results (with options to see detailed student responses and allow retakes), or delete the exam from the system.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create, manage, and evaluate online exams for your students, ensuring a smooth and effective assessment process.

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