


The Parents function in your system is designed to streamline the management of parent information. This includes capabilities for creating new records, editing existing ones, importing and exporting data, and controlling access to the College One portal. This guide will walk you through the primary features and functionalities to ensure efficient use of the system.     

Step 1: Viewing Parent Information

When accessing the Parents function, you can view a comprehensive list of all registered parents. This list displays crucial information such as the parent's name, their linked student's name, and several actionable buttons for managing each record.

The list is organized into columns, providing a clear overview of the entered information. Next to each parent's name, you will find options for managing their record, including portal access controls and various actions such as editing and deleting records.

Step 2: Creating a New Parent Record

To add a new parent record, start by clicking on the New button. This action opens a form where you need to input all available personal information about the parent, including their full name, telephone numbers, address, and email address.

Additionally, you can upload a photograph of the parent to complete the registration. In the Student box, search for and select the student that is linked to this parent. Ensure you have the parent's email address ready, then click on the light blue Generate Password box to create login credentials for the College One portal.

Step 3: Importing Parent Records

If you have a list of parent information ready for bulk registration, use the Import Parents feature. Click on Select file to browse and select the file containing the parent data from your computer.

After selecting the file, decide whether to review the document before finalizing the upload or to directly upload a pre-formatted template. Follow the prompts to complete the import process, ensuring all parent records are accurately entered into the system.

Step 4: Exporting Parent Records

To download the list of parent records for external use or backup, utilize the Export feature. Click on Export, and the system will generate a document containing all registered parent information.

This exported document can be saved to your computer, allowing you to use the data for various purposes such as reporting, analysis, or backup. Regularly exporting records can help maintain a secure and up-to-date external copy of your data.

Step 5: Managing Portal Access

The Portal Access column in the parent list allows you to control each parent's access to the College One portal. To change a parent's access status, simply click on Enabled to switch it to Disabled, and vice versa.

Managing portal access ensures that only authorized parents can log into the College One portal. Regularly review and update these settings to maintain proper access control and security.

Step 6: Performing Actions on Records

Next to each parent's name in the list, you'll find the Actions column with options to edit, view details, or delete the record. Click on Edit to modify any information in the parent's record.

Selecting Details opens a detailed view of the parent's record, providing a comprehensive overview of all entered data. If you need to remove a parent's record from the system, click on Delete to permanently delete it.

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