


The Period function is essential for organizing the school day into distinct periods, which are necessary for creating accurate schedules for teachers and students. Follow these steps to effectively use this function:

Step 1: Creating a School Period

Enter Period Details:

  • Name: Type in the name of the period (e.g., "First Period," "Lunch Break").
  • Start Time: Set the start time for the period.
  • End Time: Set the end time for the period.

  • Once you have entered the name, start time, and end time, save the period. This will add it to your list of scheduled periods.
  • On the right side of the screen, you will see a list of the periods you have created. Each period will be displayed with its name, start time, and end time.
  • This list also includes options to Edit or Delete each period.

Step 2: Editing or Deleting a Period

  • Find the period you want to edit or delete in the list on the right side of the screen.
  • Click on the Edit button next to the period you want to modify.
  • The period details will appear on the left side of the screen, where you initially created periods.
  • Make the necessary changes to the name, start time, or end time.
  • After making changes, click OK to save the updated period details.

Step 3. Video Tutorial

Watch the Video: For a visual guide on how use the Period function please watch the following video

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