Schedule Manager

Schedule Manager

The Schedule Manager is a powerful tool that allows principals to view the schedules of teachers or students efficiently. Follow these steps to use the Schedule Manager effectively:

Step 1: Select Filters and View Schedule

Choose the Type: Select whether you are looking for a teacher's or a student's schedule.

Apply Filters:
  • Name: Select the teacher's or student's name from the dropdown list.
  • Grades: Choose the relevant grades associated with the teacher or student.
  • Groups: Select the specific groups (classes or sections) you need information on.

View Schedule:
  • The selected schedule will be displayed in the box on the right side of the screen.
  • Choose to view the schedule by Day, Week, or Month using the provided options.

  • Click on the "Print PDF" button located in the green box to print the schedule in PDF format.
  • Follow the prompts to save or print the PDF document.

Video Tutorial

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