


This feature empowers the school director to tailor essential data, integral for various functionalities within the platform.

Step 1: School Year

  • Click on the "School Year" option.
  • You'll see a list of registered school years. You can create new ones, activate, deactivate, edit them or delete them as needed.

Step 2: Grades Level

  • Select "Grades Level".
  • Enter the grade name and assign it a number according to its sequence.
  • Check the box if it's a Graduation Level, then click OK.
  • The grade will appear in the list on the right side, allowing you to Edit or Delete if necessary.

Step 3: Groups

  • Click on "Groups".
  • Enter a group name, assign a teacher, and place it in the corresponding grade.
  • Click OK to save. You can Edit or Delete the information as needed.

Step 4: Classroom

  • Choose "Classroom".
  • Enter the classroom name and assign a homeroom teacher if available.
  • Click OK to save. You can Edit or Delete the information later.

Step 5: Formulas

  • Access the "Formulas" function.
  • Choose the institution's evaluation form by clicking on the corresponding type.

Step 6: Grading Scale

  • Select "Grading Scale".
  • Choose or create the assessment scale to be used by the institution.

Step 7: Admission Documents

  • Click on "Admission Documents".
  • Enter details of all required admission documents.
  • Specify the grades and types of students to which they apply.
  • Indicate whether each document is required.
  • Click OK to save.

Step 8: Topic ARN

The ARN function is used to configure and manage push messages on the platform, enabling efficient and personalized communication with users.

Step 9: Weight

  • Select "Weight".
  • Establish weights to apply in the evaluation.
  • Define scores and evaluation forms for each teacher if necessary.
  • Click Save to apply the settings.

Step 10: Admission Queue Settings

  • Choose "Admission Queue Settings".
  • Configure billing for the enrollment process through the Public Admission Wizard.
  • Select the options as needed and click OK to save.
  • In this configuration option, when educational institutions decide to use the online enrollment process, Collegeone gives them the possibility to set the generation and due dates of the invoices. The institution can choose whether the enrollment invoice will be generated with the current date when the parent completes the enrollment, or they can set a specific date for all invoices to be issued with the same date.

Step 11: Debtors Settings

  • Select "Debtors Settings".
  • This functionality allows the educational institution to determine whether the system will check the parent's billing and payment status before issuing a transcript of credits, with the purpose of making a decision when generating this document.

Step 12: Grades Round Up Settings

This setting allows administrators to decide whether to apply rounding up for various aspects of academic assessment, such as quarterly grades, semester grades, and overall averages. By toggling these settings, administrators can control how scores are rounded, ensuring consistency and fairness in grading practices across the institution.

Step 13: Payment Getaway Configuration

This functionality is designed as a visualization tool for the director. Through this feature, CollegeOne enables the configuration of the various payment methods that the school will utilize. It allows the director to oversee and manage how the school's payment processes are set up, ensuring that all methods are properly configured and functional for use by the institution.

Step 14: Attendance Lock

  • Implement the feature to restrict teachers from modifying attendance records after 24 hours of submission.

Step 15: Wallet for Teachers

This functionality is designed for schools that wish to activate the Wallet for the institution's teachers. Through this feature, schools can enable and manage digital wallets specifically for teachers, facilitating financial transactions, reimbursements, and other monetary interactions within the institution. This tool helps streamline the financial management process for teachers, ensuring that they have a convenient and efficient way to handle their financial affairs related to school activities.

Step 16: Wallet

This functionality provides a set of configuration settings that enable us to activate alerts regarding the balances of parents' wallets. Through these settings, we can ensure that parents receive timely notifications about their wallet balances, helping them stay informed and manage their finances more effectively. This feature aims to enhance communication and transparency between the school and parents regarding financial transactions.

Step 17: Canteen for Teachers

If we activate this functionality, teachers will be able to register their attendance at the school canteen. This feature enables teachers to easily indicate their presence at the canteen, streamlining the process for cafeteria management and ensuring accurate attendance records for meal planning and administrative purposes. By incorporating this functionality, schools can enhance convenience for teachers while efficiently managing canteen operations.

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