Promoting students to higher grades is a system functionality typically executed at the end of each school year. Below are the steps to perform this task correctly.
- Enter the promotion functionality: Begin by selecting the grade you wish to promote.
- Order of promotion: Start with the highest grade in the institution and work your way down to avoid conflicts in the records.
Step 2: Selecting the Group
- Choose the group: After selecting the grade, choose the specific group.
- View students: A list of all students registered in that group will be displayed.
- Select all students: In the blue box labeled "Select All Students," you have the option to select all students in the group.
- Deselecting students: If any students are not being promoted, click on their name to deselect them.
- Assign promoted grade: The system will automatically indicate the "Promoted Grade" in the adjacent box. You can then select the group for the next grade.
- Promote students: Click on the green "Promote" button to proceed.
- Confirmation prompt: The system will display a confirmation box for the promotion process. This step must be repeated for each grade and group in the institution.
- Handling non-promoted students: For students not being promoted or those leaving the institution, a box labeled "The following students will not be promoted" will appear.
- Options for non-promoted students: In the "Keep same grade" box, check the corresponding option for each student to either keep them in their current grade or remove them from the institution.
Step 6. Video Tutorial
- Watch the Video: For a visual guide for Student Promotion, please watch the following video