Student Promotions feature allows educational institutions to promote
students to the next school term efficiently. This process ensures that
student records are updated accurately, reflecting their advancement
through the grade levels.
Enter the promotion functionality: Begin by selecting the grade you wish to promote.
Choose the group: After selecting the grade, choose the specific group.
View students: A list of all students registered in that group will be displayed.
Select all students: In the blue box labeled "Select All Students," you have the option to select all students in the group.
Deselecting students: If any students are not being promoted, click on their name to deselect them.
Assign promoted grade:
The system will automatically indicate the "Promoted Grade" in the
adjacent box. You can then select the group for the next grade.
Promote students: Click on the green "Promote" button to proceed.
Confirmation prompt:
The system will display a confirmation box for the promotion process.
This step must be repeated for each grade and group in the institution.
Handling non-promoted students:
For students not being promoted or those leaving the institution, a box
labeled "The following students will not be promoted" will appear.
Options for non-promoted students:
In the "Keep same grade" box, check the corresponding option for each
student to either keep them in their current grade or remove them from
the institution.