Unified Student Information Center

Unified Student Information Center


The Unified Information Student Center is designed to help school administration manage and consult various student records and functionalities through an organized information box. This guide will walk you through each feature available in the information center, explaining how to use them effectively.

To access the information center, first select the student, click on the "Actions" button, and then click on "Details".

Step 1: Invoices

  • Access Invoices Tab: Navigate to the "Invoices" tab to see a complete record of all invoices generated in the name of the student's parent or guardian.
  • Create New Invoice: To create a new invoice, click on "New Family Invoices."
  • Use Actions Button: The "Actions" button provides various options to manage and perform actions on the listed invoices.

Step 2: Recurring Invoices

  • Access Recurring Invoices Tab: In this tab, you can review all recurring invoices generated for a family.
  • Use Actions Button: The "Actions" button here allows different management options for the recurring invoices.

Step 3: Attendance

  • Access Attendance Function: This section provides a summary of the student's attendance for each subject.
  • Select Semesters: Choose the semester you want to review.
  • Select Classes: Select the specific class to view attendance records.
  • View Attendance Calendar: The Attendance Calendar allows you to view attendance on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  • Attendance Summary: The Attendances Summary box provides a concise overview of attendance records for the selected period.

Step 4: Grades

  • Access Grades Function: Administrators can view the grades awarded to students for each class.
  • Select Semesters: Choose the semester you want to review.
  • Select Classes: Select the specific class to view the grades.
  • View Grades: Once a class is selected, the grades awarded will be displayed.

Step 5: LMS (Learning Management System)

  • Access LMS Function: Here, you can see the work or reading materials assigned by teachers to students.
  • View Materials: The materials for each class the student takes are displayed for easy access.

Step 6: Notes

  • Access Notes Tab: In this tab, you can add notes that help staff keep a record of the student’s activities and any planned meetings or arising issues.
  • Add Notes: Staff can input new notes as required, providing details about meetings, problems, and other relevant information.

Step 7: Reports

  • Access Reports Function: The only report you can obtain from this center is the Parents' State of Accounting.

Step 8: Documents

  • Access Documents Function: This section displays all documents associated with the student’s registration.

Step 9: Cases

  • Access Cases Function: This section allows registration of various cases related to students, such as problems or discussions.
  • Use Actions Button: The "Actions" button provides options for managing each case.
  • Create a Case: To create a new case, click on "Create case" and complete the required information. The case can be assigned to relevant staff for follow-up until a solution is found.

Step 10: Medical Conditions

  • Access Medical Conditions Function: This section displays any medical conditions previously added to a student profile in the edit section.

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