


The Visitors function enables educational institutions to track the entry and exit of various individuals, including parents, service providers, and students during non-school hours.

Step 1: Check On Process

To register a visitor's entry, click on the green square icon. A window will appear where you can select whether the visitor is a student, parent, or other. For parents, use the dropdown menu to enter the first three letters of their name or surname. Choose the correct name from the list and click on "Check-In". The visitor's entry will be recorded and displayed in the initial window.

Step 2: Check Out Process

When a visitor completes their activities at the institution, return to the initial window. Select the visitor from the list and click on "Check-Out". This action records the departure time alongside the entry time in the initial registration line.

The Visitors function provides a straightforward way for educational institutions to manage and monitor visitor access. By accurately recording entry and exit times, this feature helps maintain security and accountability within the institution premises, ensuring efficient management of visitor activities.

Step 3. Video Tutorial

Watch the Video: For a visual guide on how to use the Visitors function , please watch the following video

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      VISITORS The Visitors function enables educational institutions to track the entry and exit of various individuals, including parents, service providers, and students during non-school hours. Step 1: Check On Process To register a visitor's entry, ...